Don’t Believe Your Lying Eyes…

Don’t Believe Your Lying Eyes…

It’s getting harder and harder to discern reality from the false. Green screen technology is going next level and within the next couple of years it surpass what we know as real. The technology, as of today, can take a still image and turn a single image into a full length video. It still leaves a small digital footprint that technology forensic techs can locate, but I would guess that will disappear in short order.

In the mean time check this out…

[give_form id="52655"]

Then check this out…

Why would this happen? Who would do something as heinous as this act – killing bees that are immune to poison!!

These people are evil.

The government hates you and your family. God loves you.

Ben Shaprio – not a fan, but this worth your time – explains why CRT is fine but shouldn’t be paid for with tax payer funds.

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